Membership Information

You have selected the Constellation membership level.


Looking to join our ranks as a team? Maybe there are several of you, a charity, CIC, creatives all working in a company, artists working as a collective, brand, or changemaking powerhouse, or are you a group of friends making art together? We’d love to hear from you! A package for team, group, and organisation members is currently under discussion and development. We’re also consulting with our local authority, our funders, industry leading organisations around Scotland and the UK, and speaking with our members to see how best you feel we can help you. When we have news we will share it in our newsletter and in this section, but in the mean time, if you represent a group, team, or organisation you can sign up here, free of charge, as a way of registering your initial interest in becoming a Constellation member. You will get the same information and e-bulletins as our Meteor members at this stage.

The price for membership is £0.00 now.

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